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3 Jaw-Dropping Marine Wildlife Discoveries That Just Might Scare You

You can find one in a swamp. You can find another in a marsh. And you can find the last one out in the ocean off of southern California.

By Pierre Roustan, Author of THE CAIN LETTERS and SCARY HORROR STUFF!Published 7 years ago 3 min read

Oceans really can be the stuff of nightmares when you think about it (for centuries, they honestly have been -- imagine how many sailor stories there have been). What never ceases to amaze me, though, is the fact that we're still continually discovering something new about the darkness of the waters engulfing our Earth -- or at least something we've never seen before, and has been around, well, since the time of the dinosaurs....

So Here We Have the 3 Most Trending, Most Current, and Wildest Videos You'll Ever See About Marine Wildlife

And make no mistake: these videos will wow you. They may actually scare you. And, for certain -- they will mesmerize you.

There are no theories here; only cold, hard facts. This isn't about myth, or wonder, or what if -- this is WHAT IS, and it's REAL. Some of the facts might actually surprise you and make you wonder what's going on out there. And what else is out there.

But let's start off with...

The Now Infamous, Scary, and Bizarre "Bloodworm"

We're willing to bet you've never heard of this beastly worm. But they're out there. Thankfully, you won't find these suckers out in your backyard, because they generally exist right out there in the thick, thick mud of a swamp.

And, surprisingly, despite how freakish they really look, bloodworms are hunted as bait for fly fishers and professional fishers on a regular basis.

This video, though, will chill you to the bone. After it educates you on the arduous task of "hunting bloodworms," which according to the guy in the video requires "popeye arms." You can check out the video right here.

And make sure you have a barf bag ready.

We'll Dial Down the Freakishness a Bit With These Anomalies Out of Nowhere: PYROSOMES

And, no, they're not aliens. They might as well be, though. Of course, you're asking: what's a 'pyrosome', and why is this so crucial especially since we're seeing what looks to be something harmless given there's a scuba diver examining one without any fear?

For starters, a pyrosome is also known as a "fire body," or sea cucumber. And they're rather common in the ocean -- except they're not supposed to be way up in northern California!

And why not? A "fire body" typically thrives in warmer tropical waters. I don't think ever in history has the ocean been 'tropical' up north, even in California, but that's what we're dealing with now.

Watch this video and learn why they're showing up in the ocean over there. The reason just might make you a bit concerned....

And Lastly.... THIS.

You probably often see those viral photos of freakishly looking 'big' or 'scary' animals out there (like the python that ate the elephant??). Guess what: this is a real picture of a real gigantic insect thing. Trust us: it's not fake.

Although they do look rather terrifying, like you're in some sort of "Land of the Lost" remake, the fact is these suckers while generally harmless are probably older than our great, great, great grandfathers. And the dinos, too.

Staggering, right?

You can catch the video of this thing right here.

The Crazy Thing Is That's Just Only THREE Stories of Some Phenomenal Creatures Out in the Watery Wild

And you better believe there are more. There have been more. We're just never privy to them, because we don't have nerves of steel to go where they reside. Places human beings traditionally, typically, aren't habitable for mouth-breathers.

Thankfully, a handful of brave souls explore the deep in ways we never thought possible, and who knows: we just might find the first megalodon in a millennium, maybe?

Down in the dark depths of the waters... Sleep tight.


About the Creator

Pierre Roustan, Author of THE CAIN LETTERS and SCARY HORROR STUFF!

I am an author, adventurer, and father, living with my wife, four daughters and one son in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I've trekked through tundras, waded through swamps, wandered through deserts, and swam in the Great Barrier Reef.

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