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Consciousness or Ignorance

The Two Paths

By Isaac MoorePublished 6 years ago 5 min read

Today, it seems life as a human can be very...dramatic, to say the least. Everyone is caught up in the next new thing, the newest drama between one celebrity to another, or even what the president said about a whole ethnic group of people. Drama, as it stands, is definitely not lacking in our current "social" media reigned society; the feeling of dread and depression around every corner of this beloved country, soaked up a by a mask we each put on. For many of us, it's and ongoing battle to stay sane in a world that has gone crazy. If you're reading this, I'm sure you feel the same. Inching closer to the day where our mistakes as a race of humans, and our ignorance of this planet will eventually tear us apart to a point of retribution, spitting us off the planet like a virus. To me, we have a short time to make a very important choice; life or death, love or hate, consciousness of the choices we make, or ignorance to the fact of us tearing the planet down.

Let me make this clear: This is not a post of politics. I do not wish to bring in hate and separation to beliefs that have been bestowed upon you from childhood. These things do not apply to the current situation of the planet and our ignorance towards how we go about helping it thrive. The point of this post is to bring up facts and educated theories on how we as a race face and realize the damage we all do, including me on a daily basis. That being said, I hope you enjoy the rest of the post.

Our growth as humans over the last few decades has been exponential, along with the growth of scientific advancements in the last century. From the first airplane built on December 17th, 1903, by Wilbur and Orville Wright to the dropping of the two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and August 9th, 1945. That is a mere 42 years of some amazing scientific breakthroughs that brought us to where we are now. Smart phones stuck to everyone's faces, listening, and watching things that don't necessarily matter to your day, much less the advancement of a society. I can't help but think about the spiritual side of things and how little we've progressed with our religion and views of things that might be plausible after death, or even spiritual consciousness connecting us to the one thing that gave us life to begin with. The history of one of the biggest religions in the world—Catholicism—was founded when Jesus Christ and his Apostles started teaching people about god, apparently around 4 BC. The Catholic church is still a VERY prevalent organized religion to this day, making you think that the growth of science over the growth of our spiritual views has been overwhelmingly huge. To me, that is an issue that needs to be addressed, and might be one of the biggest reasons our life giver is being bled dry and suffocated by us. We don't have a connection that runs deeper than what happens to us when we die.

The point is, our whole race as humans were put on this earth to learn, coexist with one another, love, respect the earth, and give our future generations a planet worth living on. A valuable lesson everyone on this earth needs to learn. Too many times has religion itself literally separated a whole group of people. On top of that, skin color, political views, moral views—you name it. If there is an opinion to be had, there's a division of people to be made. A power struggle for attention and energy. These divisions are all a form of ignorance that we've been taught to withhold by early generations. These beliefs are a double-edged sword, hurting not only a whole group of people, but themselves, whether they'd like to admit it or not. The power struggle of opinion and the hate it brings makes us, as a whole, more ignorant to real issues more than ever. There is a way to step out of that loop, however, and it's never too late to make that first step in the right direction. Consciousness of your actions, empathy for others, and earth.

The process in which to get to the point of consciousness is starting with an introspective view of how we each live our days in ignorance, and learning the ways to better our living, breathing earth. I believe getting in tune with nature and beholding its beauty is an awesome way of getting in tune with the earth. Learning the ways it works, how an ecosystem thrives, the many steps it takes for life to even be possible. There are so many different things we can do to to get a grasp of how precious, and amazing life really is.

There are a ton of different ways to become in tune with our world. Getting there starts with a choice we all need to make, and needs to happen as a collective so change can actually happen. Which will you choose? Consciousness or ignorance? One is full of bliss and colorful life, with an extraordinary path of learning and evolution. The other is quite the opposite; the easy route of ignorance and staleness, leading to an undeniable end and uprooting of the human race. or possibly the earth as a whole. The right path is definitely the one less traveled, yet nonetheless needs to be.


About the Creator

Isaac Moore

Hobby writer with a passion for art, and collective conciousness.

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