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Air Signs (August Energy Reading)

Easy, breezy, mutable, Cover Girl.

By Prof. Personal Published 5 years ago 8 min read
Drug through the ringer in July, we understand what it truly means to live and let live.

Cancer Season was so scarily brutal right? There were breakups, isolation, loneliness, and a feeling of just not wanting to really speak. Yes, we were scared straight but it was needed because we weren't understanding key components which is forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others. People played us a bit back in our season and we just simply couldn't come to terms with it but then finally, July brought it all to a head. We have been able to sit and reflect or were pushed to do so in order to gain new perspectives on a variety of situations that played out strangely in our lives.

A lot of us right now are also learning or have learned what it really means to be patient with the Universe and what Divine Timing actually truly means. You will see how this plays out starting now and till the end of August when the energies continue to lighten its emotional load on us. Surrendering control but also wearing some nice, new armor in the process of heading into September will help us to know exactly what our boundaries and standards are so that we aren't vibrating at a level where we attract the same, toxic situations again.

This will be a good time for us to revisit conversations that we have wanted to clear up in the past and building new foundations in career, love, and finances so that we can feel true progress.

'Cause if we don't feel it, well then it's not real. The goal is to make everything you have dreamed of start to feel real, even if it's just a small step like planning out the idea, reaching out to that crush, answering that phone call or text that you've been ignoring. You never know what collaborations are abound and what people will be willing to do for you, despite everyone going damn near MIA last month.

Let it go. Forgive and move on. No one likes a grumpy Gemini.

If we are able to let go of our stubborn ways and take on more of a trusting, childlike innocence, we will start to see many opportunities open up to us without even having to TRY. This will only happen if you can be okay with dropping that "I'm gonna be like this because this—" facade. You know good and well that Leo season always brings back out that jovial spunk we are known for so we are blessed with an open mind and new adventures because of this.

Only if you want it though, we can be picky AND prickly.

This time, we are most certainly prepared for the little emotional upheavels that may pop in and out during the rest of the month, but most of us have reached that point of acceptance. Acceptance in knowing that sometimes "it is what it is" and you can only continue to do what's best for yourself. Either or, we always adapt and always bounce right back so there is no need to stay in the rabbit hole. Get out there and finish what you started before the storms hit.




Have you realized you are bigger than whatever it is you think has a hold on your neck?

Had to do some maturing in order to steer that ship? That big ship that is your heart is what I'm talking about. There were a lot of situations coming out of July and into August where you actually really took the time to weigh the pro's and con's about. There were some of you that felt like you were being judged harshly by family, romantic prospects, and even your job/boss. This made you look into yourself and really start to mull over if it had any truth to it. Renewal was granted if you could stand the criticism. If you weren't receiving it from others, you were certainly giving it to yourself and sometimes you went overboard which caused you to misjudge situations and even miss out on some.


You all love to keep it clean and cute though so throughout the month of August, your main focus is to get yourself together physically, emotionally, and spiritually before your birthday season because you do not wanna be the one sitting in the house watching Netflix because you couldn't BARE for anyone to see you in an unflattering way. I don't blame you. You all bounce back like no other and thats what this is all about. You are also starting to tap back into your intuition and feeling a need to start nurturing your creative gifts again. This could be practicing make up, styling, art, music or any other ideas that get you feeling passionate.

Once you tap into this, you will start to radiate a glow that you have been dying to get back because the energies have just been so draining and hectic, you hadn't even had the time to spruce yourself up the way you wanted. No worries though, this time you are MAKING time, whether people like it or not. People will be drawn to your softer nature and will want to have nice conversations with you and you will actually be intrigued by these talks.

For some of you, I see a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Saggitarius) sun, moon, or rising who will simply just light up your day because of how much they match your adventurous side! This person will be charming, magnetic and especially smitten by you. Others will just have a spark in sexual energy that heats up the passion in their relationship, feel more stable and grounded in love or be completely satisfied with being able to control who it is you let be worthy of dating you.

I ain't mad at it. There were too many foul plays in Libra's love lives for you all to just let ANYBODY in, but it does feel amazing to sit in your throne of power and yell "OFF WITH HEADS" if your intuition screams bad egg ahead. You will be coming across a diverse amount of people which will be pleasantly stimulating for my social butterflies.

You are a beautiful bird, Libra. Your goal in August is to remember that you are not obligated to stay anywhere your heart weeps or your soul cannot prosper. Gathering the courage to remember your self worth and beauty will help you so much in gaining the courage to turn down those things that always got the best of you. With this, you will align back into what is meant for you and not fall back into what is meant to only teach and leave you. Long-term is what you want, long-term is what you can get. This could pertain to a relationship or steady income, either or it is all about self mastery and realization.

You can so magic, just bring that balance you are so good at perfecting.




"Be careful not to mess with the balance of things because everything is not what it seems"

Question everything. This has been you literally forever but it had reached an all time peak back in July and slowly crept into this month. Looking back on your past and how you have handled things, who you have hung around, and what you have put yourself through spiritually have been weighing heavily on your mind and you started to realize that maybe you should reverse and make some changes regarding certain decisions. Some of you may have confusions regarding if you want a certain relationship, job, or dream anymore, and there is nothing wrong with this because as such an analytical being, your mind and gut are your strongest intuition, more than your heart.

In order to be a strategic warrior and be successful, you have to think like one.

For some, there is a strong Earthly energy surrounding you; it could be a boss, could be about finances, could just be you really being more stern about budgeting and how much you spend and tapping back into the practical after such an emotional season. You want to get back into feeling ambitious and goal-oriented, but there is planning that needs to be done. You are getting it done and you know exactly what I'm talking about. Aqua's are coming into making some sort of final internal or external decision about an aspect of their lives and closing the door on it OR swinging the door wide open and running towards the possibilities.

The bright side is that for most of us Air signs, we are being bestowed with the gift of charm, gab, and sass as we all enjoy a good fire season! You all will be feeling comfortable in your skin (more than usual) and also be bursting with different ideas and things you wanna accomplish before the year ends. Your personal flair and what makes you YOU will be the main focus and be the main thing highlighted and admired for the rest of the month and into Libra season. Once you get your ducks in a row, and your head cleared of those decisions, a world unbeknownst to you, will open up and flood you with inspiration.

This will be great because everything you do just HAS to be revolutionary. We Stan.

Allow yourself to be carried away by your quirky humor and outlandish ideas because you never know who would love to see something like that happen. Don't be afraid to try new things, visit new places, or finally give that one person a chance to show that they actually can be something more than what they've been displaying to you. Don't allow yourself to get bored with thoughts that don't pertain to any of the above because it just won't be conclusive to your Divine outcome.

Just be free, and watch yourself turn into a magnet for abundance.




About the Creator

Prof. Personal

existential creator

Yes. I take it there.

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