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Aries (July Energy Reading)

What’s love got to do with it?

By Prof. Personal Published 5 years ago 4 min read
Aries finally softening up in July  because of a certain “something.”

You guys still being a tough nut to crack? Well I will say with all these mushy Cancer vibes and retrogrades, there will be no way for you to hold back any emotions that you have for someone in particular; good or bad. This just means that you have to be careful about how you express these emotions so that you can have a clean slate and new beginning coming into Leo season, which is gonna be right up your alley if these reckless ways of yours stop.

Some of you may have felt like you lost complete control of everything in June, and just didn’t give a fuck, so long as you got up to go and get your money in the morning, which is motivating but also depressing at the same time. Most of you are at a point this month where you just wanna explore and you have this new burst of creative passion, but as far as direction goes, you still have no idea, which is cool.

Planning goes such a long way, this is a theme for mostly everyone this month but for you guys in particular, it’s being open and accepting to what you receive, as far as love and giving people the benefit of the doubt. I get that you have been burned numerous times, but not everyone is out here chasing you down with pitchforks like you are Shrek the Ogre. Remember what we talked about last month?

If you can summon up the will power to dig yourself out of the “norm” routine that you have set up for yourself, you can and will find the inspiration to set off on a new endeavor that’s more exciting and something you really enjoy (relationship, new job, new friendship). These are all things that will be coming into play for us in order to understand what friendship and family truly means to us, while also understanding that the universe is spewing so many different energies at us, so it is important we communicate and stick together.

Others you have to be careful with flexing around, just to get back at someone who burned you badly before or even a long time ago, let that shit go, Aries, it’s dead weight. Nothing comes of things that are built on negative intentions. That “win at all costs” mentality has to go straight out the window if you wanna REALLY prosper and spit game.

I don’t wanna grow up! I wanna be a Toys R Us Kid!

If you guys can dig it, you will be entering August (even mid July) with this beautiful energy, but only if you make those dreaded sacrifices of self.

You see guys, it’s cool to be a kid, in any sense that means to you, but when it’s stalling your growth, spiritually, in any way, this has to be something that is addressed, whether you like it or not. It could be childish behaviors, pouting, going ghost when things get “stupid” to you and making assumptions. A lot of you have the fear of commitment and “sacrificing” your time to anyone because you just feel like it will be time wasted. This is no longer true for you, in order for you to move past this cycle, you have to let go of that old dusty armor that you’ve had for all these years; it’s actually starting to rot...

Also in July, you have to be very careful of overly indulging in anything just to escape what you don’t wanna face. There could also be an idea or offer that is so tempting but will need to be thought ONLY twice about, not 50 million times, k guys? We don’t need the extra dramatics, save that for the stage, where most of you belong because you are naturally entertaining!

There will be decisions that have to be made which will benefit you in the long run, and release all of that heaviness you have been feeling on your head here and there.

Pick from the heart this time, it won’t steer you wrong.

So shuffle does not lie LOL. Okay, Aries, it may be time to get holy and start practicing treating your body more like a divine temple and showing it more love because it is what you have to walk around with everyday. The advice for you also this month is to practice more faith and pair it with the self love you were already doing your best to give yourself. By the end of this month, you should see yourself being more structured, willing, and more of a leader (if you are ready to steer new ideas).

Once you have your vision clear, as far as where you want to go and who you want to allow into your life, (remember, no mulling it over for too long) this is when you will start to understand exactly what was holding you by a chain this whole time.

You will have spiritual tools to cut these bonds. Remember light and love Aries, the war is done for now, you can relax.


About the Creator

Prof. Personal

existential creator

Yes. I take it there.

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