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Earthbase (Pt. 2)

The wild west of commercial space travel

By Samir GoradiaPublished 5 years ago 4 min read
Samir Goradia video piece 'drink from the fruit' epitomizing the local ethic of continuing earth faiths with our continuing space industry development.

When I first arrived in California in 1988 and opened a Wells Fargo Bank account, I noticed, first and foremost, the Stagecoach logo of the bank.

The stagecoach, of course, most represents old fashioned dangers of American pioneers in the Western United States, circa 1949, during the California Gold Rush.

Besides the construction of railroads in California at that time, horse-drawn carriages were used to transport people, mail, and of course, property.

Initially, mail delivery from the original 13 colonies required three different stamps, as though traveling through three different countries, to be posted from a place like Washington, DC to California.

Apparently, the country was, and may still be, divided between eastern states, central states, and western states.

The advent of the commercial space tourism era evokes the California Gold Rush history.

Bakersfield, California, before our current space tourism startup era, focused mainly on two industries: food and oil.

As surrounding cities from coastal, desert and pre-industrial areas of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado build out spaceports and bases according to the niche advantages of competing industrialists, Bakersfield, having only a small local area, also has refined its local industries to meet the needs of the surrounding major cities.

The downtown area of Bakersfield continues to be re-developed. The thriving music industry, recently known as a partying extravaganza, is rumored to begin to 'dry out' as people venture beyond initial investments to real work activities.

For example, the Walt Disney Company just now has opened its highly anticipated Space exhibit in Disneyland (Anaheim, California).

Interestingly, this morning's newspaper simultaneously reported that Orange County, California, where Anaheim is situated, is now populated by more members of the Democratic Party than the Republican Party.

Locals in Bakersfield, for a couple of years unaware of the major business changes that we're quietly occurring all around us, had to choose their news sources of choice.

Some were focused on war news relate to US-Mexico border wall issues and ongoing talk of conflict in the Middle East, the Far East, and Europe.

Others, even as recently as yesterday, were overcome with bad news from the financial markets.

With conflicting information and lens in hand, I personally tried to follow many trails to understand my firsthand observations.

Unable to truly enjoy the fun times as big money poured into the West, I conducted a lot of research, tried to stay sane, and finally was rewarded by being allowed to develop the 'oamuamua official' brand for E (everyone) rated space content.

My studies, with the assistance of information, feeds from NASA, led me to become enamored with the space probe from a distant galaxy named 'Oamuamua'.

Oamuamua remains the only space object known to have arrived in our solar system from an unknown place far, far away.

As I began my Oamuamua fascination, I imagined that oamuamua may have brought the original seeds of life to planet earth, and consequently, our earth-based scriptures.

Fundamentally, the planet earth has two types of faiths: eastern and western.

Eastern religion is founded on Hinduism (India)/ later adopted in China in a variant known as Buddhism. I say this because the famous "Buddha" was born a Hindu.

Similarly, in the Western religions, the New Testament 'Jesus' was born as a Jewish person. He was crucified, in part, for calling himself 'king of the Jews'.

Fundamental to biblical/western religion (Jewish, Christian, and Islamic) is the shared story of 'Adam and Eve', earth's first couple.

They were granted eternal life by God, as long as they did not eat from the fruit of one particular tree in the Garden of Eden (geographically known today by scientists as 'The Fertile Crescent').

The attached video is a half-comedic suggestion that perhaps God had intended Adam and Eve to drink fruit juice from that tree, the 'Tree of Life' or the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil', rather than to eat from the fruit of the tree.

Throughout the ages, the acts by Eve and Adam of eating from the forbidden fruit has been associated with 'original sin' for which God evicted mankind from the Garden, and withdrew the promise of eternal life.

The New Testament of the Holy Bible, featuring Jesus Christ, represented a second chance offered by God to mankind to return to the garden, follow the rules, through the final human 'sacrifice' (death), the death and resurrection of the God's only begotten son.

Eastern scripture, in the Hindu Bible, known as the Bhagavad Gita, speaks of a final war between Good and Evil.

Those who observe God's initial command of avoiding the act of eating from the fruit of the Tree of Life could achieve eternal life. All others shall perish.

In my studies, I have recommended all earthlings self-study four topics, representing the 4 challenges humans would face in these final days (the four horsemen of the apocalypse).

Each earthling should study self-care with regards to famine, disease, self-defense, and financial management.

Within a 7-year tribulation period, each earthling should become proficient in these 4 studies, and then could proceed towards the promised eternal life.

As the Western United States, having ongoing tribulations, enters the space era, I imagine that someday tourists might arrive on our planet from other planets.

For this reason, I felt it was important to retain the history and scriptures of our planet, whether good or bad.

I recalled my youth, watching Star Trek and Star Wars movies.

I tried to explain to our neighbors, some who feared extraterrestrials (see E.T.; Gremlins; Independence Day, other similar movies) that we must assume that neighboring planets and Galaxies must have more powerful space weapons than planet earth.

Additionally, I recalled the basic tenets of space fiction: that we on earth can only fully join the community of planets when we have relative peace on our own planet.


About the Creator

Samir Goradia

Author, Podcaster, Artist currently studying space, mythology, and related subjects in order to provide media content for both earthlings and space travelers on 'Oamuamua Official' channels.

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