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Man vs. Machine: Brains in Danger

If you have ever watched a Hollywood science fiction movie such as 'The Terminator' you cannot help but wonder whether such a reality is possible. Artificial Intelligence(AI) is rapidly changing the world today.

By Marianna DrawsPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

We live in a world where automation and human-like robotics have become common in the business community performing data-heavy tasks in milliseconds. Thanks to AI, people can monitor their health and fitness levels using a digital intelligence bracelet, know when the milk is about to run out in a refrigerator, can have driverless cars, and a Google learning machine that is capable of learning data patterns and analyzing them.

There are also computer-automated games which beat even the best game masters and also some wholly automated factories which complete production without relying on any human intervention. You might wonder, is AI taking over human existence?

Future of Humanity and AI

As the year 2020 draws near, AI is expected to continue evolving and over five million jobs are expected to be replaced by machine-learning technology. AI will eliminate the strain of skill shortage experienced in most technology industries. Industries across the world such as those that offer financial services and the armed forces will embrace machine-led decision-making quite well.

There are huge investments being made to the futuristic algorithm and automation aimed at changing how high street banks and wealth management firms rely on a human to provide formal advice. International affairs such as NATO are working on ways they can use AI to make decisions on vital NATO issues.

Experts predict that the rapidly evolving AI poses a threat to human autonomy, agency, and capabilities. There are also optimistic remarks on the contribution AI can make to the broad health care program where patients can be diagnosed and treated with the use of AI machines with a massive data collection. Formal and informal education is also anticipated to change with the innovation of AI.

The future of AI is quite promising, but has received a lot of condemnation from many people who view it as an apocalyptic harbinger. Stephen Hawking, a tech genius, perceived AI as the greatest threat to humanity in the 21st century. However, the bottom line is that there is no future of AI without humans by its side.

How Developing AI Influences Performance

There are two sides of this debate—the nay-sayers and aye-sayers. There are many reasons why even software industries are cautious about developing AI.

1. Unemployment

The advent of the AI era will mean that people will have to acquire new skills and adopt radical ways of working. There will be work but no jobs for people. This will result in large scale unemployment as machines replace human skills. This has the adverse effects on civil unrest hence there will be a need for careful sociological, political and economic thinking to effectively counter this.

2. Singularity

This is the highest point of AI innovation which poses great threats to human existence. It's characterized with super intelligence levels that surpass human cognitive powers. Though at this point the concept of singularity is only theoretical, there is no clarity if it is something that can be reached in reality or within what time frame.

3. Cognitive, social, and survival skills will reduce.

Over-dependence of AI machines will erode the ability to think for ourselves and take actions independently. A person will ask the AI on the possibility of success of a relationship instead of taking the risk to weigh that on themselves like old times.

4. Threat to Humans

AI will be associated with massive live loss due to developments of autonomous weapons and weaponized information which will destabilize human groups leading to social upheaval.

5. Prevalence of Cyber Crimes

Artificial intelligence is an obedient machine that requires no rationality to perform commanded actions. Thus, if AI is abused, there is no telling the amount of havoc it can wreck as it tries to achieve a goal, even if it is beneficial.

Is AI capable of replacing the human brain?

The human brain is quite incredible and the believe that brightest minds can replicate an AI that can surpass the brain is farfetched if not next to impossible. The ability of AI to learn vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, spit results and do many things better than a human can be confused to the ability to replace the human brain but it's not.

AI may be able to learn, but not as effective as a human brain, thus making it incapable of viewing the world the way we do. Long story short: Humans are the creators of AI hence it cannot replace the human brain.

Projecting the age of AI is overwhelming in its every aspect. Like any other technological tool, AI has its pro and cons which has gotten even the best of scientists to spin their heads. The future of AI is subject to the question of whether it's achievable in reality or not. AI capabilities are beyond comprehension, but can't match the human brain—the supercomputer that powers it.

artificial intelligence

About the Creator

Marianna Draws

Professional writer by choice and health savvy by habit. A strong believer in the power of positive thinking, regularly develop internal wellness campaigns with effective mental health techniques.

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