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The Theory of the Transcendent Reality

By Mauro BernardiniPublished 6 years ago 5 min read
The Theory of the Transcendent Reality (TTR)

I believe that there is nothing more important for a human being than understanding the reason for its existence.

And I also believe that this statement can be valid for any being of this and any other hypothetical universe.

Unfortunately, the human mind, apparently the most gifted of cognitive faculty in our universe, does not allow us to face this transcendent issue in commonly shared canons. That is, in such a way that science can investigate, falsify and experience the causes in a formal and canonical manner.

So, humanity has always exerted itself to represent this theme of existence. And the most transversal and widespread way has undoubtedly been religion. To the point that is commonly accepted the dichotomy among generically religious arguments concerning the transcendent and the scientific ones concerning the rational and non-transcendental aspects.

Although, there are many other areas of thought, such as the metaphysics, paranormal, clairvoyant, premonition, etc, which try, in less extreme ways (ie not only based on faith or science), to represent and propose hypotheses on certain aspects, related to the transcendent meaning of our existence.

This framework generally prevents acceptance of any consideration that is not framed in one of the above categories of thought. By giving humanity the safe prospect of never having a rational and logically credible and sustainable response on the cause of the existence in general and of human beings in particular.

We should therefore be resigned to be forever prey to irrational religious propositions, or extroverted, superficial, partial and unverifiable paranormal hypotheses, or unrealistic metaphysical theses, or the usual refusal of science about this topic.

Fortunately, I think there may be a new way, a kind of new science that represents a meeting point and mediation between current science and metaphysics.

As we know, science requires that the object of its analyzes and theories be based on what is rational, verifiable reproducible, falsifiable, etc.

Therefore, the transcendent can not be understood in this context either from the scientific point of view or from the metaphysical one. The latter, in fact, by definition, pushes beyond the applicable science and, as far as it can show fascinating distant scenarios, in support of its too advanced and vague thesis never possess the required standard scientific requirements.

So we need a new theory, able to analyze the causes of existence. This can be called Methaphysic-Science 1.0 and it must comply with the following general criterions:

  1. Start from scientific or just rationals, logicals and credibles considerations at least empirically verifiable in our known universe, it must create and propose a metaphysical paradigm capable of representing and justifying transcendental aspects and causes whose effects could be found and measured in our known universe.
  2. By using canonical scientific methods, it must verify and recognize in this universe the effects depending on the new metaphysical proposed model.

TTR (Theory of Transcendent Reality) represents the first theoretical proposal that meets the requirements of Methaphysic-Science 1.0:

i) the metaphysical model proposed by TTR is simply based on rational logical and incontestable observations even in the eyes of any scientist. That is: every form of existence present in our three dimensional universe, whether it is a human being, an animal, a plant, an elementary particle of matter or something else, can be uniquely represented and characterized by only the three basic prerogatives: S, V, P.


  • the “S” corresponds to the Structure property, assimilable to the space/energy/mass characterizing the typical scope area used by science in our universe.
  • The “V” corresponds to the property of Life, generically assimilable to the ability to change, move, evolve.
  • The “P” corresponds to Thought property, generically assimilable to the ability to analyze, process and imagine.

The TTR model predicts and theorizes that these three properties make possible in our three-dimensional universe only 6 types of "beings" differentiated according to the 6 possible permutations of these three SVP properties, namely: SVP, SPV, PVS, PSV, VPS, VSP.

Starting from this simple consideration, they arise all the other postulates and the other logical structures that support the TTR model.

For instance:

  1. All the possible and conceivable existence, of whatever nature and dimension it is, belongs to a single physical 11 dimensional container, named for simplicity: Alef (where the 11 dimensions come from the fact that science predicts today that 9 or 11 is the possible real dimensions, of which only 3 are available in our universe).
  2. The Alef container consists of infinite Physical Points (Points of Alef) having 11-dimensional spatial components (contained in S) and 10 Added dimensions: V, P, C4, ..., C11, such that: S> V> P> C4> ...> C11 (SVP law).
  3. All the Points of Alef have the following prerogatives:

a. they are all interconnected in 11 dimensions (L-links).

b. they retain their own spatial position in Alef's body, but at the same time they can replicate themselves in 10 copies capable of passing within each of the 10 possible under-dimensional universes (1d-10d) floating in the Alef's body.

c. they are identical, although 50% are clockwise (male) and 50% anti-clockwise (female).

d. at each parallel transit of their 10 replicas in the 10 types of under-dimensional universes 1d-10d, give "apparent" consistency to under-dimensional Sections of themselves, also named Particles of Existence or Souls, which are:

  • endowed with an infinitesimal mass proportional to the spatial dimension of the universe (orthogonal projection law) crossed by each replica.
  • equipped with a number of spatial dimensions and real added components (VPC4 ... C11) proportional to the universal dimension crossed by each replica.
  • characterized by a decreasing order of presence of allowed components (S,V,P,...) depending on the random impacts of the Points of Alef with the specific crossed universe.

e. only one kind of Particle of Existence (S> V> P> C4> ...) in each universe can be "naked", that is: it can exist as it is, without a body of protection.

f. The Particles of Existence randomly formed by components SVPC4,...C11 not ordered as the compliant ones (i.e, in our universe, the 5 types not compliant: P>V>S, P>S>V, V>P>S, V>S>P, S>P>V), require a protective body formed by Particles of Existence of type compliant.(i.e, the the naked ones: S>V>P).

ii) From the postulates of the above criterion i), the TTR says that the individual Particles of Existence, which support our entire universe, are nothing more than masses/energy points that can be represented by a physics-mathematical form that can be expressed with an "Existor" (a sort of math Tensor) of 64-elements.

This means that the three forces S, V, P of each Particle of Existence act and are decomposable, on each face of an infinitesimal cube (of Plank's size), by different differential equations obtained starting from the relativistic Einstein famous formula (E=mc2).

Using these elementary differential values and imposing that the three forces of a Particle of Existence of our universe, for instance of type human (P>V>S), have an average life of about 80 years, than we obtain a first important achievement in support of the TTR, that is:

the mass of a Particle of Existence corresponds to that of Proton: the elementary particle of matter, with mass of 8,34026*10-17 grams, contained in the hydrogen atom nucleus.

Mauro Bernardini


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