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Taurus (June Energy Reading)

*Shocker Alert* it is not all about you

By Prof. Personal Published 5 years ago 6 min read
Taurus got so hurt to the point where they had to wear their ego’s and brave face as a form of protection from the universal lessons. It helped, for a little while, and then the pain resurfaced. Looks like you got some thinking and talking to do...

Geez Louise, Taurus. Can you loosen the grips just a little bit from around the Universe’s neck? We get it. You are an Earth Warrior, a real fighter, a true leader, a real–

Are you flattered enough? Did you get all that? Okay good. Cause the Universe wants its seat back again, so it can help you, not hurt you. Some Tauruses took way too much time out of their mental schedules trying to figure out the problems of others. It’s like you were trying to compute so much different information from various different energies and sources to the point where you could no longer hear your own brain waves. This caused you to make some impulsive, sometimes careless decisions. I just thought about a burger, so most of you were either dealing with stress by eating a lot, or not eating enough.

Now, you all can be very educated. With this asset, you sometimes subconsciously take on the role of the Watcher. You observe what people do, how they move, and their downfalls. In a sense, you are like a superhero, scoping out danger, and charging in to come and save the person in need.

There were many embarrassing moments you had to endure the past year, you felt like your reputation was being tarnished (but it really wasn’t). This caused you to hit the perfection button, and start looking around for ways to get out of the shit hole that you had found yourself in. Some of you did. But you left behind some stuff actually. Deep, deep in your mind. You left the house without taking the pictures, and your favorite furniture, in a sense.

Life was starting to taste like sour milk, and that started to suck for most of you, because you are big on comfort, and the luxuries of life (whatever your definition of luxury is, doesn’t mean gold chains and fancy watches). This rotting had started to begin back in February for most of you. You went into the year believing that you were immediately gonna turn over a new leaf, and everything was gonna fall into place because it was 2019, and it just simply had to.

Then around April, you saw “okay... it’s actually not working out the way I thought,” and this is when you started to look around, and tried to pinpoint what or who was stopping your progress. For some of you, it was yourself, for others, it was a person or situation.

Maybe even a mix of both if you were feeling sassy.

For once in your life, it would actually be a great time to acknowledge the stereotype is actually true, you guys ARE stubborn...

Taurus releasing deep seated emotions throughout June, and explaining to family and friends that they actually felt literal pain and cried.

It was humbling wasn’t it? To be so hurt that you shed ACTUAL tears... and it takes a lot for my darlings to cry. It was healing though, huh? You never realized how much you could release through such a simple task. Crying. Releasing control is something you must practice throughout June. This can be practiced in various ways; when a friend calls and invites you somewhere you normally wouldn’t, say yes, if you have feelings for someone that you wouldn’t normally express, let it out, they will appreciate it.

Vulnerability is your leverage this Gemini season. People will love seeing a more real side of you—a glimpse into your life in bits and pieces, and you can ease this in however you choose. This could be through posting more on social media, exposing emotions you’ve had about turbulent situations (from a non biased perspective), and smiling, laughing, crying. These will be great releases for you, and then you will start to feel like you DON’T have to control everything, because everything is perfectly in place for you to enjoy, just how you like it.

You must get rid of all those old emotions that you have been hoarding inside for far too long. You are no longer that person who was hurt. You are now a person who has healed. Some of you need to realize this, and cut yourself some slack, and stop acting like you are still in a war zone, because you are not.

Don’t slip into that victim role that Aries was so proud to play. You guys are pretty good about that, but some of you do play victims in a sneaky way.

This would be through saying “I got this,” but you knew deep down you really didn’t. This is a severe sign of a victim, because they were so hurt that they don’t even think they were worthy of help. It’s sad but true.

No more of that Taurus, you like fresh milk, not spoiled. It makes your tummy hurt.

Your theme song for June is “Live and Let Die” by Guns N’ Roses

Taurus coming into knowing that all the things society wants them to do and be is actually a load of shit. You guys will be marching to the beat of your own drum once you release control and fear issues. I know you got this.

It’s not worth it anymore Taurus. Whatever “it” is, is not worth your happiness and creativity. Don’t let anything distract you from what will make you feel secure and happy. Stay on track, but also make sure that you are listening to people who genuinely care about you, they could have some good advice for you concerning certain issues so you don’t wanna miss that. You are no longer the boring boss who sits in his office, and makes sure all the workers are doing their job correctly.

No sir/ma’am. You are an entrepreneur. Most of you are intuitively starting to sense this. You have become increasingly stingy with your free time, because some of you work so much that you don’t even have time to focus on what you really want to do. Understand that no amount of money will make you truly happy unless there is a balance of you doing your life purpose and day to day tasks.

Once you find this, and kick the habit of wearing that false mask, showcasing your new energy will truly take you far. Trust me, I’ve been practicing this as well, and more things just work out FOR me, more than they normally would. Tell yourself everyday that you trust the universe, even on days where you have absolutely nothing to do, it’s okay, don’t freak out.

You are not missing out on anything, trust me.

Make time to enjoy your summer, make time for your partner/love. There will be opportunities for my single Tauruses. I will leave that information there, do what you must with it.

Either way, there are prizes coming for those of you who take the advice, and actually use it in a way that makes things flow more harmoniously into your life, and they are things that you actually NEED. Think of your happiness like an energetic bank. The more you dwell in the past and become sad, the more you withdraw, the more likely your chances are of going into the negatives.


The more you are happy, patient, and trusting, the more you deposit into your account, and then you cash out in real life (this is how law of attraction works). You’ll be receiving anything you were trying to manifest while in a fragile mindset. Get your Christmas list together, and send it off to Santa.

Doesn’t Christmas in the summer sound amazing? 😉




About the Creator

Prof. Personal

existential creator

Yes. I take it there.

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