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The Enchanted Forest

Stella’s Adventure

By Ana ReyPublished 6 years ago 6 min read

Stella lived in a wooden house in the highest hill of the highest mountain. She lived by herself. Her only true companion was nature and its beauty. Every night Stella watched how the moon lit the night. She watched in awe how the moon’s reflection shined in the lake below the mountains. One night, Stella went to watch the moon, as she did every night. This time, it was different. The moon wasn’t shining as it usually did. Stella got scared and thought:

Where’s my dearest friend?

Nothing happened, and for a month, the moon didn’t shine. Stella felt an overwhelming sadness because those were the darkest nights of her life. All of the sudden, she realized that she needed to find her friend. She looked up to the moonless sky and said:

“My dear friend, I know you are lost, but I’m going to find a way to bring you back.”

So Stella embarked on a journey to find her lost friend. The next day, she went to the forest to ask if anybody had seen the moon. Little did she know that she was about to meet nature’s most enchanting creatures.

Climbing down the mountain, Stella saw in the distance a big tree, but this wasn’t an ordinary tree. Stella was curious to see this unusual tree up close. She sat on the roots, admiring this gift from nature. Suddenly the roots started moving; scared Stella watched how the tree transformed itself into a creature she had never seen before. The tree grew taller and a face appeared. The first creature that she met was a tree named Faust. Faust was the tallest tree in the forest. It had the most vivid color. Its leaves were bright red. Stella felt overwhelmed standing next to this giant.

Faust spoke in a deep voice: “Are you lost, little girl?”

Stella answered: “You can speak?! I’m looking for my friend, the moon, have you seen it?”

“Of course I can speak,” said the tree. “And I haven’t seen it in days.”

A tear swam down Stella’s face and she cried out in desperation: “It has been a month since I last saw my friend. I need to find her. Can you help me?”

For a moment there was silence. Faust said: “I will do my best to help you find your friend.

"I know who can help us,” said Faust.

“Who?” replied Stella, still amazed that the tree spoke.

“We must go to the garden of mushrooms where my friend lives. Then, you will see,” said the tree. Arriving at the garden, Stella was amazed how bright it was. There were little dots of light flying everywhere. “Andromeda” shouted Faust. Suddenly what looked like a butterfly appeared next to Stella.

“I want you to meet my fairy friend,” said the tree. “Fairy?” Stella said. Andromeda was the goddess of the fairies. She spoke in a soft voice:

“I’ve been expecting you.”

“Me?” Stella replied, unsure of what was happening.

“Yes, you. I know everything there is to know about the forest,” said Andromeda.

“I also know you’ve been looking for the moon.”

Excited, Stella said, “Have you seen it?”

“I haven’t,” said the fairy “but I will help you find it. First we must go to the river.”

Stella, Faust and Andromeda went down to the river to ask if it has seen the moon. Stella sat on a rock admiring how beautiful the river looked. It’s color was the bluest of them all. Faust in his deep voice called the river:


“Faust and Andromeda,” said Khalil. "What brings you here?”

“We want you to meet our friend Stella,” said Andromeda. “She’s been looking for the moon.”

“I haven’t seen the moon in days. It hasn’t shined nor reflected on me,” Khalil answered.

“Quickly! You must get on the leaves and I will take you to it before it disappears,” said Khalil.

Faust, Andromeda, and Stella went to the most remote part of the river where no one has ever gone. Sitting on the leaves it was the first time since embarking on this journey that Stella admired the true beauty of nature. At the end of the river, all that Stella saw was a big flower.

“What’s that flower? I have never seen it before,” said Stella.

“That’s our most special flower,” Andromeda replied. “In it lives a creature so magical that only few ever get to see it.”

Suddenly the flower’s petal began to open and from it rose a phoenix.

“The phoenix is a mythical bird that is born from the ashes of our ancestors,” said Faust.

“Eros is my name,” spoke the phoenix. “What brings you here?”

Stella answered, “I’ve been looking for the moon? Have you seen it?”

Eros replied, “The moon hasn’t talked to me in days. I have flown over its sky but there is no sign of it.”

Stella felt disappointed because nobody knew where the moon was. Stella began to cry because she thought she would never see her friend.

“Don’t worry,” said Andromeda. “We’ll find the moon.”

Eros said “I know what we must do. You must climb on my wings so I can take you to the moon’s closest friend.”

Khalil, Andromeda, and Faust wished Stella good luck in finding her friend.

“Where are we going?” asked Stella.

“I’m taking you to the sky’s most important star,” said the phoenix.

The sky was filled with stars. Millions were shining in the night. Stella was amazed how unique each star was.

“What’s so important with that star?” she asked.

“It is the mother of all stars. Every star you see was born from it. We call her Constellation,” said Eros. “Do you see that shining star?”

“Yes,” answered Stella.

“That’s where we are going,” Eros said.

Constellation was the biggest star in the sky. It could be seen from anywhere.

“The moon and Constellation are inseparable. If we want to know where the moon is she’s the one to ask,” said Eros.

Stella felt hopeful. She thought that finally she would reunite with her friend.

“Constellation,” called Eros.

“How may I help you,” answered the star.

“I want you to meet my friend. She’s been looking for the moon,” said the phoenix.

“What is your name?” asked Constellation.

“Stella. Can you tell me where the moon is?” said Stella.

“The moon has been hiding for the past month because she is sad,” answered Constellation.

“Why is the moon sad? Why is it hiding?” asked Stella.

The star replied: “Because she’s been looking for you and she hasn’t found you. Come with me. I will take you to her.”

On the way to the moon, Stella felt something strange. Her body was changing. She looked at her back and was amazed at what she saw. Stella had grown wings just like the fairies.

“We are almost there,” said Constellation.

Finally after searching for the moon, Stella was reunited with her.

“I’ve been looking for you, Stella,” said the moon.

“You know my name?” asked Stella.

“Of course I do. You speak to me every night. You are my dearest friend,” said the moon.

Stella cried tears of joy after hearing what the moon said. After a month of not seeing each other, Stella and the moon were reunited. She felt hopeful because she would see the new friends she made on her journey through the enchanted forest.


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