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The Judgement Bell

Book One of The Creation Epoch

By Tom SzostakPublished 7 years ago 7 min read



No one really noticed the man in black walking up Nob Hill Road. San Francisco is home to so many outrageous personalities that this man would fit right in. He was tall with a long black leather trench and matching black fedora. His black suit and black mod ankle boot shoes made him the perfect retro. He was flawless and ruggedly handsome for a man in his 40s. Dark brown hair peeking out from under the brim of his hat matched his mocha skin color and deep sunk eyes. He walked into a diner near a corner called “The Waiting Room,” the reference was not lost on him with who he was about to meet. He was greeted at the door by a waitress who was only too happy to ask if he needed a table.

“No thank you, Senora”, he replied with a soft Spanish accent. “I am looking for my friend.”

The waitress’ demeanor changed a bit, “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Just water, por favor… please. Thank you so much. I see my friend in the corner. Thank you.”

“I’ll bring you the water, but I don’t know where you’re gonna’ put it with all that food on the table.”

The waitress was correct as the table he was walking toward was completed covered in several different sandwiches and breakfast items. The man in black sat down across the table from a person who was eating from at least two plates at once, alternating between the cornucopia of diner food. He was slightly disheveled, wearing a bowling shirt and jeans, quite the contrast to his well-groomed associate. His shaggy goat-tee and disheveled brown hair framed the caricature of a slob.

When the man in black finally got comfortable in the diner booth, the other turned to him, “It’s been a while. I like this look on you, very Bowie-esque. Sort of Man Who Fell to Earth, but suits you. You’ve always been the height of fashion, yet man has always gone with some morbid version of you that I never quite understood. Leave it to man to not fully understand what you do.”

“I appreciate the kind words as that is the least you can say to me. I believe they have done you a favor as far as imagery is concerned. You really never heard the call to groom. Honestly, did you just get out of bed and walk in? So, what are you calling yourself these days?”

“Charles. I call myself Charles and comfort is the name of the game in my line of work. The people you send me are not at their best and I’m the one they cling to when things go south for them. No designer suits or anything that can’t be replaced in a thrift store. Although it is a bit awkward when I get someone when I am wearing one of their old t-shirts. That’s when it stings.”

“Dear me, the vernacular one gets with time. You would think that with the many tolls you’ve collected, you should have your own line of clothing with a glossy marketing team and horrible commercials that make no sense. Sort of like you.”

“Are you still mad at me about my decision? That was… millennia ago. She beat you. Everyone saw that she beat you. I gave you a way out to look diplomatic, but no. You had to be petty."

“She did not beat me,” yelled the man in black as the waitress brought him his water, placed it in front of him, walked away shaking her head.

“See, she wasn’t even born yet and she knows she kicked your ass. You made this a thing, not me.” Charles jibes. “What should I call you now, Señor Chic?”

“Armando. It’s Armando… let’s just move on. I am here to see if the rumors are true. It seems considerably early from the last time. I am collecting someone that has had a part to play in all of this and that made me feel the rumors are true.”

Charles dropped the food from his hands and wiped them with a napkin. He brushed the crumbs from his goat-tee and looked deeply into Armando’s eyes. “I am here… eating this feast… for no other reason than it won’t be here much longer. I am enjoying all I that they have to offer now, because it will not be here with in the year. I just found out myself and so I am eating my way through the world while I still have the time."

Armando gave a heavy sigh. “But how? How can someone just wake a Titan? Who would want this? Lilith? What does mother say of this?”

“I don’t think she knows. All she has told me is that, as this was not the natural order of events. She says that this is the work of dark magic, something that was thought to be lost in The Creation. The materials to make this magic work must be taken from those it wished to harm. This is something older than Lilith. This is something from the time of the ancients. This was a secret that was kept hidden for eons, that not even the Titans knew about. But… there will still be some hope for them. Ironically, the help they will need comes from the same person you despise.”

Armando smirked, “Why do you torment with her? What help can she give them? She is only a warrior, no match for a Titan.”

Charles looked at him in shock, “For a being that is omniscient, have you not heard? This event has already begun. The Titans have escaped. They have come hunting for her and she has met a few already. Kreios met his end by her. She is more than just a warrior, she is meant to help the dreamers awaken. The blood lines of the Nephilim will become aware of who they are. They will help man come back from the destruction of Perses."

Charles leaned in a little closer, “Every time he moves, the Earth will shake. He will be felt by all. Even now, there are those working to hurt her chances of success and once again we can only sit and watch. That is, unless you have some cunning the likes of which even Lilith would be proud. She is working now to put the correct people on the right course. Some with get help from the Creator Mother. At the end of the day, there is still a chance to save some.”

Armando looked a bit stressed over this idea that somehow the order of The Creation had been changed. It would mean that the rule and order of the gods could be controlled. That he could be controlled. Everything could be controlled. But by who? “I will find out what I can, Brother. We will see each other soon and I will do what I can to help. In the meantime, take a bath or at least get a haircut. These people can see you, you know. Have some decorum, you are a deity.”

“True enough. But everyone in here is waiting on me to finish my feast. They don’t know it yet, but they have a long road ahead, so we got something to eat.” Charles grinned as he pointed to the huge dinner that was laid out before them that just didn’t seem to end.

Armando grinned at last, “So the name was literal.”

Charles looked back across the table with a raised brow, “No my brother, that is something you should look up before this passes: Fugazi.”

Armando rose to his feet, knowing it was time to leave, “Fugazi? What is that?”

“Just look it up and I promise, it may change your life.” Charles laughed a bit and turned his focus to his food and started acting like he was playing some instrument while singing with an open mouth of food.

Armando looked back in disgust and then started contemplating what his next personal visit had to do with Perses. Maybe it was time to get involved. There was no point in being a deity when you could be controlled. He had been outsmarted in the past, and he rewarded those personally when they did. But controlled. That would not do. He had a little time, so he would look into this Fugazi thing his brother mentioned. This meeting went much better than he thought it would, especially given the circumstances.


About the Creator

Tom Szostak

Creative Writer that is taking control of his life.

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