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The Wrath of Dr. RoseBoom

Can you smell him coming?

By Dakota LovePublished 6 years ago 9 min read

Told in perspective of Wesley, a student of MirrorFlame High School who managed to escape the terrible events of April 13, 2018 caused by the villain known as Dr. RoseBoom. It was a tragic day for the school and the world. A superhero turned into a villain all due to bullies and students not willing to learn in class, while one student only wanted to stay the top of his class.

The day Stan went wild and used his powers to almost destroy the planet was on April 13, 2018, which just happened to be Friday the 13th, (yes we celebrate that here on MirrorFlame, too). The young, quiet boy was followed into the bathroom by a beautiful young girl who admired him and had a huge crush on him. She had this crush since they were in the seventh grade when Stan became the smartest person in their class where he stood until the day of such wrath.

Stan had always been an amazing student who kept his grades up… until the day of the incident. The 16-year-old was nice and respectful to the teachers, but angry with his peers. They always made so much noise while he was trying to learn. That was when he decided that he could use his powers to destroy the school and any student that was not at school to learn. Stan began this plan the summer before his sophomore year of high school. It was a plan that would end all the bullying and the joking around within the school. It would fix every problem that teachers have been having for years, decades even. He imagined the praise he would get from teachers and students who wanted to learn alike. He would actually be able to learn and stay the smartest in his class.

Stan had gone to the restroom to take off his uniform from under his clothes due to it being hot. The young lady had seen him take off the uniform just as he was turning around. The girl got sad because she knew that she could never be in a relationship with such a fine toned boy who had an eight pack of abs. Just as she started to get sad, Stan’s hormones kicked in and he started smelling of roses. The girl was instantly attracted to the smell, so she went even more into the bathroom. Stan didn’t know if she had seen him change or not, so the only option he could come up with was to burp and make her vanish.

The bright blue eyed boy with white teeth and a soft, almost girlish voice started getting his powers at the age of 13. The first incident occurred one day in his seventh grade geography class. Stan had to release the wind from his belly and just let it rip; when he did so, the desk behind him just blew up. Everyone was shocked at what had happened. No one knew if he had actually done anything to the desk, but he was suspended from school for a week. Stan’s parents had been superheroes so he had been naturally born into his powers, a purebred which is always rare to find nowadays. Stan tried to keep his powers from his parents at first, but they were just out of control. Soon, he began to sense when people were sad and would start smelling like roses from his hormones, making the kids at school pick on him and bully him. Towards the end of his eighth grade year, he began burping and when he would, people would disappear. This one was discovered when he made his little sister disappear from the dinner table one night just after she turned 4. That was when his parents found out that his powers were coming in. They tried to train him to use his powers for good and at first he did, but he could not control them until he was 15. His parents eventually gave up on trying to train him, so Stan trained himself and mastered his powers just after his 15th birthday.

Once Stan got back to class, he tried to do his work, but his classmates were too noisy. He asked several times for them to be quiet, but they just told him to shut his prissy ass self up. Stan left the classroom again. No one really knew why... not until he got back and was in a uniform. The kids started laughing at him and told him he looked like a stupid faggot. This was when Stan had finally had enough of their shit. He instantly started farting and burping, making things blow up and people vanish. Within minutes, the room was smelling of roses, which attracted several girls to him. What they didn’t know was that Stan had a knife in his belt buckle. He pulled it out and started stabbing them. Soon, the whole class was dead. Stan decided that he had more enemies to take care of within the school, so he went around the school killing anyone and everyone he could.

Stan’s parents were back at home eating lunch when their villain alert system started blaring throughout the house. They went down to the basement to change into Captain Pathos, who could sense people's feelings and would know just the right words to say to them to make them feel better; this is where Stan gets his smelling of roses from when people are sad, and Nukelady, who could blow things up with just looking at them; this is where Stan gets his power of blowing this up from. The ability to make people vanish is his own special power. The two superheroes jumped into their jet and had their computer system tell them where they were going and who they were going after.

“This one is a bit troubling for me to say,” the British voiced computer stated. “Please, whatever you do, do not freak out when I tell you this.”

“Just tell us who the hell we are taking down this time, Gabe, we don’t have time to play games,” Captain Pathos shouted.

“Sir, it’s… it’s your son, Stan. He is going by the name Dr. RoseBoom. He is currently at the high school using his powers much unwisely.”

The superheroes looked at each other with panicked looks on their faces. They put the jet in full speed to try to keep their son from doing any more harm to the students and staff of the school. They arrived at the school in minutes, but did not find Stan anywhere near it. Another alarm was going off inside their jet, telling them that their target, which was also their son, was on the move.

Stan was headed to the neighborhood of the bully that picked on him on middle school, just walking around farting and burping like it was nobody’s business, when he heard a loud engine coming up behind him. It was his parents, with very angry faces staring down at him. He knew that they would let him off easy, seeing as he was their son and it was his first offense. As his parents got out of the jet, Stan stood there with puppy eyes, hoping to get off with just a two week probation from his parents.

“Stanley Michael Johanson, you are in big trouble, mister!” his mother shouted. The puppy eyes were instantly gone and replaced with a shocked look. Stan’s mother never yelled at him, Neither did his father. He was the top of his class. He was respectful and did what he was told. He knew that it would not be just a couple of weeks of being on probation that he was looking at, it would be at the least a whole year probation.

“I’m sorry mother. The kids… they just kept making noise and…” Stan sputtered as he tried to explain in hopes of getting off easy.

“I don’t care what your excuse is, young man,” his mother stated with a deep rage in her voice.

Captain Pathos looked at his wife for a moment, then back at his son. “You know what we have to do, babe. It’s not going to be easy, but it has to be done.” The two heroes looked at each other for awhile and then nodded. They pulled out their vaporizers and aimed them at their beloved son. Tears ran down their faces as they said their final goodbyes and "I love you’s." This was when Stan knew that he was not getting probation, but it was much worse.

Terror and death was looking Dr. RoseBoom in the face as he tried one more time to explain to his parents what happened. They did not put the guns downs, but kept aim and after an awkward silence, once Stan knew that his parents were not going to back down, there was a quick flash of light from each gun and a loud roll of thunder.

Dark clouds instantly filled the sky. A bright green light shined down where the body of Dr. RoseBoom had laid. It pulled the body upwards towards the sky. At the same moment, Deborah, Captain Pathos’ and Nukelady’s daughter, that Stan had made vanish, came from the sky. She was followed by everyone that Stan had made vanish over the years and that terrible day. It turns out that they were sent to some weird planet called Earth.

They came back with many stories about their time on this planet. They explained what cultures are there and what goes on, some of it is pretty gruesome if we’re being honest. The people of this planet are humans, who apparently have this thing called a phone. This object takes away from getting to know each other and makes people become hostile towards each other. They also have this other thing called a television, which gives people things to watch. We do that on our arms. This object though, has the people of this one place there called the United States of Ameridad or something like that, telling lies and dividing them.

Due to wanting to learn more about this weird planet, my family takes a vacation there every year, though it’s not much of a vacation due to the violence. We brought back this one circular disc called a DVD, which had the title Friday the Thirteenth on it. That is how we got to celebrating it. We have Captain Pathos, Nukelady, and Deborah, now known as Spitfire, over to enjoy the wonderful earth belongings. They made us agree to never speak of Dr. Roseboom to them or anyone else on our planet in order to keep it a secret that even a superhero’s child can turn to the darkside too.

The wonderful world of MirrorFlame is now safe from any villains. Anytime one shows up, Captain Pathos, Nukelady, and Spitfire go to save the day. This time Captain Pathos and Nukelady have taken their time to properly train and control their child’s powers, they don’t want another Dr. RoseBoom. Our world is safe and we constantly visit Earth to get more ideas to advance our world with technology.

The End


About the Creator

Dakota Love

Hey! I'm just a simple 19 year old out here. I'm a born and raised Okie! I try to put some facts out into the world as well as letting my imagination run wild with my stories. I hope you like what you read and tips help greatly!

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