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Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Wellbeing for Your Sign

Because we all need a little TLC.

By Shelby TaylorPublished 5 years ago 8 min read
Me (Gemini Sun, Libra Moon, Leo Rising)

Where do we even start with health? It’s a vast topic with what seems to be about a million factors, but it really comes down to three things: Mind. Body. Spirit. We all know the basic elements of “health,” right? Eating healthy, working out, and doing activities that make you feel good. (Like meditating or treating yourself to a nice bath. #TreatYoSelf.) But what if I told you that you can use your zodiac sign to figure out the best things for your wellbeing? Through this article, I’ll show you some things that you can do that will help you based on the cosmic energy that surrounds you on a day-to-day basis. Before going any further, I recommend looking up your entire natal chart. (And there are many apps and websites that can be used for this—I like TimePassages and Co-Star for apps, and CafeAstrology if you'd prefer a website.) I always recommend looking at your entire natal chart, since we're really all made up of a little bit of everything. Pay the most attention to your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.To sum that up:Sun: Energizes you chart (since it's the planetary body of energy closest to the planet.) It represents your goal. The positive aspects of this energy are what you should strive for in order to unlock your highest self.Moon: Your true and personal self.Rising: How you present yourself to others. This is the general vibe you give off.Got it? Good. Let's get started.

Aries (March 20th to April 19th)

Aries: Right now it is your SEASON, and you are feeling your high-energy selves more than EVER. Channel all of that energy into something where you can really let it rip. I recommend a martial arts class. Maybe get really extreme with it and go cliff jumping or skydiving. That spring weather is about to be very enticing. I recommend following that up with some yoga to de-stress. We know you like to live a go-go-go lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also relax. You should also try meditating during this season (and in general) to keep yourselves well-rested and kick even more butt in your day to day lives.

Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)

Taurus energy loves the pleasures in life and have a reputation for staying at home and stayin’ cozy. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in the finer things in life, but Netflix and chillin’ by yourself can get a little stale. I challenge all of my Taurus friends to go out and do something where you can stay comfortable. Maybe go for a swim or go for a nice hike with a friend (Spring is just around the corner, y’know?) When you’re done, come home and take a nice soothing bubble bath, complete with whatever snack your Taurean heart desires.

Gemini (May 21st to June 21st)

Gemini energy is fast-paced and curious, and people born during this time typically have a real sense of adventure. Similar to Aries, extreme sports like rock climbing or cliff jumping would probably satisfy your need for adventure, or maybe going on a nice hike. Just as long as you feel like you’re really getting to explore the world around you. Since Gemini is ruled by Mercury and thrives on communication, setting up a game night or going out on the town with friends would do you well, and since your mind is always looking to expand, pick up a philosophy book (or two or three) to read before bed.

Cancer (June 21st to July 21st)

Cancer energy is highly empathetic, very sensitive, and typically, spiritual. Cancers tend to love the water, so swimming could be a great physical outlet. You’d probably also benefit from a nice hike since you love the beauty of nature. You expel a lot of emotional energy in your day to day life, and sometimes you can feel really drained. A yoga retreat would be perfect for you, even if you have to take it yourself. Take yourself out in nature and do a yoga routine. (Boho Beautiful on YouTube gives some amazing free yoga classes.) Then come home and take a nice hot bath with a bath bomb or a bubble bath. Get back in the water.

Leo (July 22nd to August 22nd)

Leo is ruled by the sun and its energy is immaculate. You have a lot of energy and you need to put it towards something efficient. Running is a great way to get all of that energy out. I recommend tennis, soccer, or even just straight-up running. You care about your appearance and you like to take care of yourself. Workout, get cute, then go for a night out on the town with some friends. You love being the life of the party. Then once you get home from turning up, do a face mask. Any face mask. Seriously. You’ll feel even better about yourself than usual.

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Virgo energy is curious and intelligent, but Virgos are usually on the introverted side, and they have a tendency to stress themselves out. You’re a perfectionist, and that’s great, but you need to wind down. You need a physical activity you can do alone. I recommend swimming. Swimming will help de-stress you and clear your mind. After you’re done with your swim, take a shower, get into your PJs, and put on a feel-good movie. Get cozy. Virgos are big thinkers, so I think you’d enjoy settling down with a philosophy book before bed.

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Libra energy is very friendly, charming and diplomatic. You have a lot of friends, probably because you’re a good one yourself. You try to make sure everyone has a say and you just want to make everyone around you happy. Get a group together to go hiking or to a Zumba class. You do better when you exercise with other people. You’re very social, but you need to make sure you’re getting enough alone time, too. Spend a night at home just listening to music or meditating. If you don’t journal, start journaling.

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 21st)

Scorpio energy is intense. You’re empathetic and very emotional. You need a way to physically expel all of that intense emotional energy. Dance is the way to do it. Whether you take a class or just let loose in your room, dancing will help you channel all of your emotions in a healthy way that will make you feel good. You should also be keeping a journal, so you can keep track of everything you’re feeling, too. Throw on some music you like, dance until you drop, and then listen to a sleep meditation before you go to bed. Jason Stephenson has some incredible sleep meditations on YouTube.

Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 20th)

Sagittarius energy is… well, it’s really just pure, concentrated energy. You can just go and go and go forever. Sagittarius doesn’t want to stop and is always looking for an adventure. Do something daring. Try something new. Go bungee jumping or whitewater rafting. If you’re looking for a new workout routine, try something fast-paced like a martial art, or anything involving a lot of running. (Or even literally just running. Run a 5K. Do it.) You need something to tire yourself out so you can relax. Once you’re nice and tired, drink a nice hot cup of tea, and maybe grab yourself one of those coloring books for adults.

Capricorn (December 21st to January 19th)

Capricorn energy is focused, driven, and on-the-money. You need something that’s going to kick your ass just like you kick life’s ass. For exercise, something like pilates would be perfect. You work hard… maybe a little bit too hard. You need to learn to wind down and relax. Once pilates class is over, go for a nice long walk and just enjoy being outside. Then once you get home, take a nice shower, slip into something comfy, and put on a funny movie.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 17th)

Aquarian energy likes its solitude. You love being alone to contemplate your thoughts and you’re always trying to keep yourself aligned. Put yourself in nature. Go for a hike in the mountains, or take a long walk on the beach or through a park. Really take in your surroundings. When you get home, throw on some music and draw something. (Or write something. Aquarius is known for its artistic side. You could really benefit from journaling.) Use what you experienced on your walk and channel that into your creative work. Take a nice hot bath or shower and then meditate before bed to keep yourself aligned.

Pisces (February 18th to March 19th)

We just finished off your season, and while I’m sure it was an introspective time for you, you’re probably a little tired from all of the emotions generally tied to this time. I recommend going for a swim. Just floating in the water with some nice, calm music playing would do wonders for both your mind and body. You could also try some yoga to relax. Once you’re done, go and sage your living space. Get rid of any negative energy that the earlier months of the year may have brought into your life. You always want the energy in your home to flow smoothly, and you don’t want Aries season coming in and throwing off the vibe in your space.


About the Creator

Shelby Taylor

26 year old starving artist. Florida --->; Colorado.

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